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Hello, my name is Andrea R. Mason but I go by Shelley.  I wear a lot of hats! I am a supervisor at a contracted state job, a security guard at a few places, a photographer, crocheter, dancer, shoe decorator, dance clothing designer, and so much more! WHEW!! Let's just sum it all up and say I am a creative who loves to create.  So, with all this going on, it just seemed natural that eventually this would turn into a business as it quickly outgrew hobby status.  So now I enjoy making custom things for others. I also get to enjoy my passion of photography by doing weddings, birthdays, and all other special occasions.  So much so, I have taken classes and purchased the proper equipment so that I can do all that I do in excellence. So I hope you enjoy my site and if you do not see something you would like made, please contact me and I will work with you.   I would love to have you as a customer!




To leave this world a brighter, colorful, happier place than it is today for tomorrow.   



"Seeing things from a different light"

I try to see things from a different perspective.  Just like prisms of light, it depends on what is reflecting off the light as to what colors you  actually see.  


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